he suit of cups in a classic deck of tarot cards has 14 cards, beginning with ace of cups going upward to the ten of cups, finishing with the court cards: the page, knight, queen, and king all of cups. The suit of cups is connected to our emotions, relationships, and matters of the soul. The cups reveal how we truly feel – and how others feel about us.
Ace of Cups
When the ace of cups appears in a reading, you can expect magical energy to enter your world. New love and creativity is possible when you open your heart, so listen to it and your intuition. This card encourages you to find your happiness, listen to your heart, and trust your intuition.
Two of Cups
When the two of cups appears in a reading, it shows a collaboration of some kind is coming soon, whether it’s a work partnership or a new relationship. It’s important though that when you meet this partner, you have your own cup filled first so you can go into any situation with confidence.
Three of Cups
When the three of cups appears in a reading, it is usually to remind you to have some fun. It’s a reminder that life doesn’t have to be serious all the time, and that you don’t need to do it alone. Celebrate life, the little things, even if there isn’t anything to celebrate.
Four of Cups
When the four of cups appears in a reading, you may feel bored. you may feel like you aren’t moving forward through things. There may be opportunities or things that you aren’t seeing, so look closely and appreciate what you have in front of you.
Five of Cups
When the five of cups appears in a reading, there is likely something that you regret. There might have been a choice that was made with a negative outcome, but you can’t forget the positives that are still there. Allow yourself to take time for the loss, but don’t over-grieve.
Six of Cups
When the six of cups appears in a reading, it signals that people from your past may show up. If your gut and intuition are telling you to reach out to someone, reach out.
Seven of Cups
When the seven of cups appears in a reading, you may be ignoring the reality of a situation. You could be facing a difficult situation, or just ignoring an easy one. Whatever it is, a decision needs to be made.
Eight of Cups
When the eight of cups appears in a reading, it’s time to make a change. Change isn’t always easy and can actually be quite scary, but it’s often needed and necessary. It may be hard to say goodbye, but it’s important for your path.
Nine of Cups
When the nine of cups appears in a reading, this is the time to focus on yourself and show yourself some love. Wishes will be coming true, and if you think all is well, things can always get better.
Ten of Cups
When the ten of cups appears in a reading, it means that positive energy is flowing, and to make the most of it. Recognize the things you are grateful for in your life, and try to find satisfaction in your own life.
Page of Cups
When the page of cups appears in a reading, it shows that you’re new to and learning something, and to be patient with it. Something else might be coming your way as well.
Knight of Cups
When the knight of cups appears in a reading, it means that anything is possible. This card brings great joy and happiness and tells you to follow your heart and trust your intuition for whatever situation applies.
Queen of Cups
When the queen of cups appears in a reading, it is time to listen to your emotions. She is a healer, which could mean you need to nurture yourself or someone else.
King of Cups
When the king of cups appears in a reading, it signifies that you need to open up to your emotions and trust your heart and intuition. You need to be patient, and not just jump into things blindly.