Q&A with government teacher Mikaela O’Connor on Russia and Ukraine
Q: What do you think is going to happen to Russia and Ukraine?
A: At this point I think it is really hard to know what will happen geopolitically. However, it does not seem like Putin is willing to come to the negotiating table, nor is he willing to stop the attacks. Unfortunately all I can see happening is continued death and destruction in Ukraine.
Q: Do you think things are going to settle down between them or be more chaotic and why?
A: At this moment I see things continuing. The Ukrainians are fighting for their lives, their homes, their freedom and right to self-determination. This proves a strong purpose for defending themselves. On the other hand, a strong sense of nationalism is spreading across Russia and while many there protest the invasion/war, there are those who follow their leader and whose sense of nationalism drives them to support their country and the decisions being made. I also would not discount the power of the use of propaganda and gaslighting by Putin.
Q: What are some warning signs you think that could ensue World War 3?
A: I would not put it beyond Putin to continue the invasion beyond Ukraine. Into Poland perhaps. Should a NATO country have to defend themselves militarily against Putin I’d say that would be a sure sign.

Sophomore Mehek Elahi is a first-year staff writer for The A-Blast. Her inspiration for journalism is her favorite show called Smallville. In her free...