TikTok challenge or assault?
The famous app TikTok has gone under fire once again due to the controversial so-called “slap a teacher” trend.
The TikTok trend is making its way as teachers and schools are alarming parents about it. An incident took place recently in Louisiana where a disturbing video shows an 18 year old student repeatedly hitting a teacher, who is a 64 year old in a wheelchair.
The student is facing charges for battery and assault as she awaits her trial. Some have argued that this “TikTok trend” isn’t real and that it is related to a different incident.
“We do not have any evidence from our investigation that this incident is related to the TikTok challenge,” a county in Louisiana said in a statement.
Another incident occurred in Massachusetts where a student was accused of slapping a staff member while at school because of the challenge.
The social media platform came out with a statement. “The challenge was an insult to teachers everywhere and any related content posted to its platform was against its community guidelines and would be removed immediately,” TikTok said in a statement.
This is one of the many social media challenges that has put TikTok under pressure, back in late September the “devious lick” challenge encouraged students to vandalize school properties and it had even made its way into AHS.
Social media has played a huge role in regard to the influence of students. The fact that these dangerous challenges have been affecting schools says a lot about how much of a negative impact these challenges are playing. Although social media has been effective in terms of letting people of all ages communicate and be creative, the negative impacts of social media have outweighed the positives tremendously.

Senior Johnny Tran is a second year staff writer for the A-Blast. Besides school, Johnny likes to hang out with his friends, bike around his neighborhood...