Students have been attending Green Day training and practices for their sport teams in order to prepare for their upcoming seasons, although uncertain about the future of Atom athletics.
Green Days have provided athletes with an opportunity to get in shape, meet their teammates, and interact with their coaches. Sports that have been holding Green Day training since as early as August include cross country, basketball, football, track, and baseball.
Strict protocols have been implemented at practices for the safety of athletes, such as players being required to fill out google forms stating that they have no symptoms of Covid-19, as well as students having their temperatures taken before being given permission to practice at the school.
Players are required to arrive wearing masks. Coaches do their best to keep the athletes as distanced as possible while helping their teams train and prepare for the season. The main goal of each coach is to maintain safety for the entire team.

“Green days are being run safely. The coaches make us distance and we mainly do exercises without equipment,” said Junior basketball player Louele Yared. Yared has been attending basketball Green Days very often to stay in shape and gain team chemistry.
“Green days are helpful because it brings the team together during the off season,” Yared said.
Many other Atom sports team
s have been holding Green Day training, including cross country.
“Green Days are very important to our team so that we have enough base mileage for the start of the season,” senior 4 year cross country runner Bennet Stenberg said. Base mileage is important for runners so that they can build up better endurance for the season. “Green days are safe because we all check in and make sure we aren’t sick before practice.”
Coaches have played a major role in making training both beneficial and safe their athletes.
“If players have been consistently attending and have been giving it their all while they are there, then I know it’s been very helpful for us,” head varsity basketball coach Deidrich Gilreath said.
“Players take a temperature check and a symptom questionnaire is completed for each player before Green Day begins. Keeping players distanced and wearing masks is something we make sure we do as well. As it’s gotten colder out I make sure players are wearing long sleeve
s of some sort,” Gilreath said.
Many players feel frustrated through the many limitations of their practices and their inability to enter the building. “If we get in the gym then that would help a lot more,” said Yared.
Overall, students believe that green days are being run safely and are very helpful for them to get ready for the season. All athletes are excited to show off their skills and work hard in whatever way they are allowed in their sports during Covid-19.