Chorus Concert Dazzles
Everyone was in the holiday spirit at the chorus concert on Tuesday December 18. Many people were able to see the vast improvement from the AHS choir since their previous concert. Senior Jonathan Assefa who participated in the concert said, “ The concert was amazing everyone did their part in making the concert as spectacular as it was from the people controlling the lights to us the singers, our goal was to entertain the audience and give them a good show and I feel like that’s what we did.”
The preparation to get concert ready takes numerous hours during class, after school and multiple weeks of hard work to memorize their set of lines for their specific song.
Each song was related in a way to Christmas and brought a lot of smiles in the audience as they sang along with the choir.
Songs like Jingle bells, Christmas Angels and many more Christmas songs similar to these.
Audience member where in awe once the Choir came up and performed one of their songs. When the choir started to sing jingle bells you could see the glee in everyone face as they sang along.
“we had to sing Jingle bells it’s a classic and Christmas Choir and more importantly a tradition done around the world for everyone who celebrates this holiday,” Assefa said.
This song allowed the audience to partake in this experience as the kids who showed up and even the adults the chance to sing along.

Senior David Solomon Is in his first year in the A blast as a staff writer. Some of his hobbies are playing soccer, watching Narcos and eating pizza. He...