Artist Spotlight: Sophmore Morgan Milman
When did you start making art?
I started in August of 2016.
What is your favorite piece of art in your collection?
It’s an acrylic piece called Bowl of Noodles.
What would you describe your art aesthetic or style of work?
It varies but recently it’s been saturated still arts.
Which piece took the longest?
My piece called Courtyard took the longest, it’s an oil painting.
What’s your process for painting a piece?
First I find a picture I like, Next I use my sketchbook to sketch it out in the shape of the canvas, then I sketchout what I want on the canvas in red pen and finally I blockout.
How do you believe your style of has art has changed throughout the years?
It varies with my mood, what I feel like drawing, which things I’m attracted to and what I find interesting.
How has your social media changed how you share your work with the world?
It makes it a lot easier to update people, especially with stories. You can post stories on what you’re working on currently rather than just the final project. It also allows people to see how my style has changed because I don’t delete many of my older posts.
What’s your process for painting a piece?
First I find a picture I like, next I use my sketchbook to sketch it out in the shape of the canvas. Then, I sketchout what I want on the canvas in red pen and finally I blockout colors and fine-tune it with details.
What inspires your passion for art?
I like creating things I can be proud of and say I did this.
Do you have any advice for other young artists?
Try different mediums and styles, then find what you like the best. Know that you don’t have to stick to just one thing

Senior Emily Hawkins is thrilled to be this year's Co-Editor in Chief of The A-Blast. This is her third year in the program and was previous In-Depth Editor...