Runners tackle the Turkey Trot
Every year there is a Turkey Trot run/walk on the morning of Thanksgiving. Register now to participate.
Looking for a way to burn off all those calories from the mashed potatoes, stuffing and pumpkin pie that you consume on Thanksgiving Day? Search no more, the Turkey Trot run/walk is a fun and effective way to stay fit and open up the opportunities to eat as much as possible.
There are two race locations close to AHS; the 5k in Arlington and the 5-miler in Alexandria. The Alexandria race starts promptly at 8 a.m. and the Arlington race starts at 9 a.m. on Thanksgiving morning. Registration is currently open for both races. The 5k costs $45 for adults and $25 for children ages 6-17 and registration is only available online.
The 5-miler costs $25 (in person on race day) or $20 (online) for adults, $20 (in person on race day) or $15 (online) for young adults ages 13-21, and $10 (in person on race day) or $5 (online) for children 12 and under. T-shirts are included in the registration fee for first come, first serve runners. Otherwise, there are t-shirts on sale that can be purchased while registering or on the day of.
In past years, runners have worn costumes like turkeys or Santa Clause. There are no limits to this race, in fact kids, strollers and dogs – dressed up or not, are more than welcome to run/walk the race too. Even the less experienced can join.
“I don’t usually run, but I signed up for the Turkey Trot last year and had a blast,” senior Joe Courtney said. “It was cold, but I felt really good afterwards and it was fun looking out for silly costumes and cute dogs.”
At the end of the race, there are mounds of complimentary snacks available for everyone to enjoy.
“Last year at the Alexandria race, there were about ten large tables piled high with bananas and granola bars,” Courtney said. “I could just grab as many as I wanted and leave.”
In addition to having fun, the races are organized to raise donations for organizations in need. A couple of the organizations for the 5k this year are the Arlington Food Association Center (AFAC), Bridges to Independence and others. The 5-miler race is raising donations for a nonprofit food organization called ALIVE! Aside from cash or checks, they will be collecting non-perishable food items like canned and boxed goods.
Register quickly and secure a spot in the terrific Turkey Trot before it’s too late.
For Alexandria the address is George Washington Middle School, 1005 Mt. Vernon Ave. For Arlington the address is Christ Church of Arlington, 3020 North Pershing Dr.

Senior Katie Pope is the weekend editor of the A-Blast and this is her third year on staff. She was previously a staff writer, photographer, and photo...