IT did not bring the horror

The theater filled with laughter as Richie said another hilarious comeback to his friends in the movie IT.
IT, directed by Andres Muschietti, was released on Sept. 8 after many long months of anticipation by fans.
After releasing two other horror films in the last ten years, Muschietti came out with his biggest work yet, a clown movie.
Many people had been anticipating the film’s release since the first trailer came out in June. However, the over hype and anticipation of the film greatly shadowed the actual horror of the film when it finally came out.
Muschietti failed at creating a work of true horror. Only a few weeks after the release of Annabelle: Creation, this horror movie had a lot to live up to in terms of fear and suspense.
It was obvious that the problem with this movie was not related to the plot at all, but rather the post-production editing.
This movie depended so heavily on skillful editing and special effects that every scare became predictable and even comical.
The editing almost foreshadowed when a scary part would happen, and this resulted in the movie having no suspense factor at all.
However, this does not mean that the movie was a complete fail. IT broke records in the box office. After the worst box-office summer in a decade, IT brought many movie watchers out of their homes and into the theater.
Muschietti also used comedy very cleverly throughout the movie, using it to put the audience at ease before a jump scare.
The funniest character was Richie, who didn’t see the clown until the end of the movie. At one point, he said “Do only virgins see it?” and the theater filled with laughter.
Even so, a movie which claims to be a horror movie needs to bring more horror than comedy. The imbalance of comedy to horror caused this movie to be less scary than the trailer advertised it to be.
IT heavily depended on the audience to be scared of the clown just because it was a clown, rather than to be scared of the clown because the clown incited true fear into them.
In order for the IT series to be successful, the next chapter of the movie needs to bring actual horror and anticipation, rather than comedy with a pinch of scare.

Senior Lina Al Taii has been on The A- Blast staff for three years. She is currently the Entertainment Editor, and has been an International Editor and...