“I’m really tired because I’ve been sleeping in until 2 p.m. every day, so it is hard to get back on schedule,” sophomore Julia Copenhaver said.
Although it lasted for less than a week, the break provided students with a much- needed reprieve from school, and perhaps was just enough to get them ready for the holiday break at the end of December.
“There should be a lot of snow, and hopefully there will be cool gifts, so I’m looking forward to it,” sophomore Paul Helfgott said.
For teachers, the break affected homework and scheduling. Sophomore Olivia Franjie was surprised when her French teacher decided to schedule two tests the first day back from Thanksgiving break.
“Nobody is going to study over this break, so we won’ t be ready,” Franjie said to her teacher, Joelle Rudney, on Wednesday afternoon upon hearing this news.
For other teachers, the break was an opportunity for extended work to be done. Math teacher Roberto Obando gave his Pre-Calculus classes a take home test over the long weekend rather than having them take up a class period doing it.
With the Winter holidays just around the corner, students have less than a full month to work hard and be studious before they can relax once again on break.
“After Christmas, I won’t want to try [in school], so if I try now it will boost my grades in case they fall,” sophomore Christina Uglietta said, summing up the general feelings of most students at the moment.