The sun beats down on your back as you reach up in the branches for your prize. Standing on your tip-toes, you can almost grasp that beautiful apple, glistening in the light of the sun. You jump, and snatch the apple of the tree. As you bite into the crisp and flavorful apple, some juice trickles down your chin. A smile dances across your lips, for the taste of the delicious apple was well worth the struggle.
This is a picture of what happens at Hartland Orchard in Hartland, Virginia. About an hour’s drive down 66, Hartland Orchard is home to apple trees as well as a peach trees, cherry trees, and pumpkin and blueberry patches. They allow people to come in and pick their own fruit and pumpkins, an activity for people of all ages. Driving up to the orchard is a little nerve-wracking, as the road is not wide enough for two cars. Be careful and take it slow because the orchard claims they are not responsible for any accidents.
There will be people at the entrance to the apple orchard standing outside your car handing you bags to fill with apples along with a brochure that includes a map of the orchard. Each bag costs $10, but one bag is plenty for a family of five for about three weeks. If you’re lucky you’ll find someone who is willing to give up their apple picker as they leave the orchard. These tools are great if you do not wish to actually climb the trees or jump to pick the apples.
Several families parked their cars and pulled out picnic blankets, chairs, and coolers and set up small campsites in between the rows of apple trees. We would have done the same if we had all day to spend at the orchard, but sadly we only had a few hours. We rushed from tree to tree, attempting to understand this intricate web of color-coded trunks and glistening apples hanging from the branches. The brochure helped a little with its color-coded key on the back, but we failed to understand the map of their locations. Nevertheless we found a few trees that were spectacular; the Red Delicious apples and the Jonathan apples were by far the most superior. These apples were small in size, crisp to bite, yet juicy on the inside. They were slightly tart but left a sweet taste in your mouth.
As your time begins to run out you may want to explore the other products Hartland has to offer: apple butter, honey, apple cider, caramel apples, hot dogs, beverages, and hamburgers. We insist on purchasing caramel apples because they are made right there on the spot. The coat of caramel adds a delicious rich, sweet, chewy taste to the already tart, crisp, juicy apple. For three dollars and a savory ride home, this treat is a must.
All in all, we say that Apple-picking is a must. If you have a whole Saturday, take a picnic blanket, some chairs and a cooler and plop down in the middle of the rows for one of the most peaceful afternoons you’ll ever have. Even if you just have a few hours, we suggest you drive out to this orchard for something different. It’s fun, it’s healthy, and it is a great family activity or a cute date to take your sweetheart on.