Tranquilized Teacher

One might not suspect that the technology teacher and AHS cross country coach, Philip Harris, does yoga in his free time. However, Harris has been taking Bikram yoga classes in Ashburn and Reston for a while now.

“I have been doing yoga for the past five years,” Harris said. “I started it when I saw a 70 year old runner do yoga instead of running. I then went to my first class, unprepared to be hooked.”

Harris loves the physical and and mental aspects of the activity. He cites his passion for yoga on the all of the benefits he obtains out of the calming classes.

“I love how it allows me to gain flexibility and keep my weight off,” Harris said. “It also helps me to breath better and relax, allowing for my blood pressure to go down.”

He loves these benefits he gains as well as the teachers who teach the classes he attends.

“The teachers that teach yoga are amazing,” Harris said. The way they take you through the exercises and help you individually with the poses.”

Not only does Harris believe that yoga helps him, but also believes that it could help people around him as well.

“I always encourage people to do it,” Harris said. “I used to play sports, but now it has been replaced with my love of Bikram yoga.”