Dear Carli,
I have recently began to develop feelings that have lead me to believe that I am gay. I do not have a problem with this, nor am I insecure about it. My friends have been very supportive of me and I am confident in my sexuality. However, my parents are fairly conservative and I am struggling with how I can try to tell them about this. I know they love me, but I am nervous about whether or not they will support me in this because homosexuality is not something they are necessarily in favor of.
Struggling to confess
Dear Struggling to confess,
The response to your situation really boils down to one thing: regardless of whether or not your parents agree with your feelings, they are your parents and are responsible for supporting you. Be sure to tell them in a calm manner at a time when you know they will be the most open and engaged. Because you are their child, your sexuality should not be something they are averse to, but just another thing that makes up who you are. Keep up the confidence, and continue to surround yourself with people who love you for who you are.