For many students, getting new shoes is like a mini adventure. Opening the carefully placed cardboard lid, smelling the freshness, and wearing the crisp new shoes for the first time is always exciting. For numerous children in third world countries, though, this experience is entirely foreign. In an effort to change this, TOMS Shoes is a company that has a unique “one for one” movement. For every pair of shoes purchased from TOMS, the company donates one pair to a needy child abroad.
According to, the idea began in 2006 when Blake Mycoskie, the owner, traveled to Argentina and witnessed firsthand the challenges faced by children growing up barefoot, which included being unable to attend school because shoes are a required part of the dress code. The company website also claims that soil-transmitted diseases run rampant in third world countries, and can be acquired through the bottom of the feet. Furthermore, wearing shoes prevents the spread of other diseases because it decreases cuts and sores on the feet that can cause blood to be shared. The website lists 24 different countries that they aid, including China, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Haiti, Mongolia and more.
AHS students have embraced the movement by purchasing and wearing their own TOMS, which cost between $50 and $60 for men and women.
“I like my TOMS because they’re comfortable and they promote a good cause,” said sophomore Debbie Adderton.
The shoes are flat-soled, with a canvas body and simple design. While solid colors are the most common, the company has branched out and designs now include striped, sequined, and even corduroy. This way, the broader appeal attracts more customers and in turn helps more children.
The movement being present inside AHS is helping more students to gain recognition, and helping further the mission of the company, which is what they originally hoped to achieve. “I think it’s great that they’re giving back to people that don’t have their own shoes,” said Freshman Victoria Huenemann.