A teenager’s worst nightmare: acne
Tips for keeping your skin healthy and blemish free
As a teenager, acne is an inconvenient reality. Next time you wake up and see a new blemish on your face, do not freak out because it is important to know that it is a common occurrence.
Due to rising hormone levels in teenagers during puberty, more oil is produced and secreted through the pores of the skin which ultimately leads to the formation of acne.
Throughout the day, you touch various different surfaces and objects that are dirty and contaminated whether they are visible or microscopic.
Especially in a public environment like school, bacteria is widely present so it is important to avoid touching your face with your tainted hands as you may be transferring the dirt and oil from your fingers to your face.
In case you do end up touching your face more often than needed, it is essential that you wash your face every day to remove any excess oil.
Although this should be done gently, simply splashing water on your face and quickly patting it dry is not effective.
Take the time to thoroughly wash with a warm, clean towel and avoid scrubbing too hard. Using a face wash can help clean dirt from deep within your pore, but some of the chemicals can also be harsh on certain skin types so it is important to be aware of how your skin reacts to certain products.
“I wash my face when I shower and I make sure not to pop any pimples,” senior Karla Mejia said.
Touching your acne will only aggravate your pores even more and increase the possibility of infections. Improperly popping them can also lead to scarring of your skin.
If completely necessary, visiting a dermatologist is the better option if you need acne removed or have extreme problems with your skin.
According to WebMD, acne appears when the oil combines with dead skin cells and clogs the pores. This happens mainly on the face, neck, shoulders, chest, and back. These areas are more prone to acne because of the present glands and exposure to hair. Mainly for teens with long hair, oil and sweat tends to collect throughout the day and your hair often rubs against those areas around your face, neck, and back.
Washing your hair frequently is recommended and to ensure that your hair does not get unreasonably oily throughout the day, avoid using products like mousse or gels since they contain high amounts of oil.
Although these preventative steps may not guarantee a clear face, there are also methods for home treatment if acne does become an issue.
Coming up with a face care routine can be beneficial in keeping your skin hydrated and clean. Using a face wash or a scrub once a day and following up with a cooling moisturizer can keep your skin glowing and healthy. Not moisturizing can lead to excessively dry skin which contributes to dead skin cells.
“I mix coconut oil with honey and scrub my face with it every other day and I wash my face off and the morning I shower to wash it off,” senior Kimberly Romero said.
Other home treatments include purchasing acne creams like Proactiv that help alleviate blemishes and reduce the amount of acne present. Creating your own original exfoliating scrub or face mask is also common as several ingredients are known to have antibacterial components that are good for your skin such as honey, yogurt and vinegar.
As a teenager, your skin glands expand and produce more oil resulting in the mix of dead skin cells that become trapped within the pores, carrying bacteria along with it. The trapped bacteria results in the redness and swelling of the skin.
Because teens are more prone to acne, taking care of your skin and body is necessary to prevent any unwanted blemishes on your body.
Self-care is important for keeping your skin clean and healthy and following these tips will help reduce acne. Consistently keeping up the habit of cleaning your face, hair and hands while following daily skin care routines will help you achieve the clear face of your dreams.

Active member in various honor societies and clubs, senior Julie Nguyen has been on The A-Blast staff for three years. She is currently the Health Editor...
Justice • Apr 22, 2018 at 2:59 pm