The many pesticides, dirt and other toxins found on uncleaned fruit and vegetables have the potential to be very harmful to one’s health. These risks can be reduced by washing or rinsing produce under the faucet just before consumption.
Fruits such as bell peppers and peaches have been known to contain chemicals found which are made to withstand the rain and water. This requires a more effective way to remove these toxins unless baking or heating to at least 75 degrees fahrenheit before eating.
The environmental working group is an organization with the goal of informing the public about this health risks associated with contaminated fruits and vegetables. The shoppers guide provides a list of produce with the least and most found pesticides.
Vegetables and fruits should be washed free of dirt which often contain Escherichia coli (E. coli) and Salmonella, two microorganisms that live in warm blooded animals and that cause serious harm to the human body.