For many of us when we get sick, we naturally turn to chicken noodle soup, hot tea or honey for a cure. However, did you even wonder why that is? Why certain foods can actually make you feel better and why others can’t? You may be surprised to find out why some foods are natural remedies and others are not.
People use various foods to fight sickness, whether it be a common snack or a family remedy.
“When my stomach hurts, I eat saltines to settle it,” junior Paige Britton said.
Hot liquids
Let’s start with the most commonly known food remedies of soups and other hot liquids. When you’re sick, hot liquids can help hydrate you and the warm temperature fights chills and relieves congestion. Salty broth additionally thins mucus, which helps to relieve congestion as well. Soups with vegetables and some proteins are even better due

to the added vitamins and nutrients that help your body fight infection.
“I love hot drinks and soups when I’m sick or have a sore throat because it makes me feel a lot better,” senior Kimberly Rowland said.
Chicken noodle soup, the most common cold food fix, also has the chemical cysteine, which is an amino acid that is released by the cooked chicken. This mimics similar cold medicines, while also helping to reduce inflammation.
There are many health benefits of tea, but if you are under the weather the antioxidants in it will help the most. It is also a natural anti-inflammatory, which is especially helpful for sore throats.
So what’s the temperature have to do with staying healthy? When you’re sick, your body can get dehydrated through sweating or vomiting. Hot liquids can hydrate and settle your stomach more quickly than cold liquid. That is because cold liquids are said to slow the absorption of the stomach, hydrating you at a slower rate.
Many people know that honey is healthy, but most probably do not realize what it does for your body. It not only builds up your immune system, but also boosts energy and fights multiple illnesses. A strong immune system is vital to staying healthy, which is why it is recommended that honey is incorporated into your daily diet. This is because honey has antioxidants as well as anti-bacterial properties. An easy way to do this is to just eat a spoonful of honey a day, or substitute it for sugar in your drinks, such as tea on a day you aren’t feeling your best. As a proven energy booster, try eating some honey before a workout instead of a sugar and caffeine filled energy drinks. Honey is one of the most widely recognized home remedies and has been used to treat a variety of illnesses.
Citrus Fruits
Citrus fruits and beverages have also been shown to reduce cold symptoms due to their high vitamin content and anti-inflammatory properties, so you might want to try fruits like grapefruit, lemons, oranges, or watermelon. You could also get the same nutritional benefits in a citrus fruit juice like lemon or orange juice, but make sure real fruit is used.
While these home remedies may prove valid to some, others stick to modern medicine.
“Other than chicken noodle soup I just take cold medicine,” senior Alec Villafana said.
Although many foods are said to have healing properties, you can decrease your chance of illness if you simply increase your overall nutrition health. If you eat a healthy, well balanced diet on a regular basis instead of waiting until you are sick, you can prevent sickness before it happens.
Junk food is okay in small doses, but too much can actually increase your chances of getting sick. This is because your body is not getting all of the vitamins and nutrients that it needs to stay healthy and fight off bacteria.
Making small changes in your diet as well as exercising regularly can improve your overall health and help prevent illness. “I don’t get sick a lot and I definitely think eating healthy has a lot to do with it,” Rowland said.