Atoms Writing Center Accepts New Tutor Applicants
On Wed, Nov. 2nd, students who filled out the new tutor applications for the Atoms Writing Center received an email letting them know of their acceptance. Interests meetings for applying to the Annadale Writing center were scheduled during the end of Oct., and fully processed in a few days.
The selection process of the AWC was noteworthily a competitive round this year for students.
A warm welcome and congratulations to all the applicants for getting into the program and starting their tutoring journey.
When deciding on applicants the AWC looks for “a diverse pool of tutors to mirror the diverse community to make tutees feel comfortable.” said Mrs. Hanson. “We want tutors who have taken a variety of classes so we have tutors who are familiar with assignments tutees might come into the AWC with.”
In total, a new number of 22 new tutors joined the AWC after being trained during the activities day on Tue., Nov. 14th.
Training the new tutors on activities day on was the perfect opportunity noted Mrs. Hanson. The AWC often has a busy schedule, so the timing of the activities day aligned perfectly with what was scheduled.
During Activities day, many of the new tutors learned the structure of in person and online tutoring. Well experienced tutors also at activities day gave brief presentations about AWC. Some key information for tutors were making tutees feel comfortable, knowing beforehand what assignments to go over, and not fixing every grammatical error in an assignment.
Further into the hour, examples of tutoring and a sample tutor session were also practiced to understand the generalized values and roles of what a tutee and a tutor have when coming and spending their time revising and reviewing work. Students during this time went over sample essays making sure to get constructive feedback while also implementing positive feedback to tutees when they appear at the writing center in the future.
All of the information during the session given is accessible to tutors via email, and with pride time changed on Wed. Oct. 16, new tutors will be assigned to stay at an AWC pride time.
“I applied to become a writing tutor because I want to help people get better at writing and find a passion for writing,” junior Rana Bahr said.
For some, the AWC helps to give feedback to not only tutees but many many feedback and development for tutors to enhance their writing skills. It is a way to better engage and support one another in the Annandale community.
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