IB Spotlight: Profiles of Diploma Candidates – Senior Britney Nguyen dives into IB
Q: What is your favorite IB subject?
A: My favorite IB subject has to be Biology because science is my favorite subject and I love my teacher, Ms. Camire. The class really shows me why I aspire to be a Biology major in college.
Q: What clubs are you in?
A: I participate in many sports like swim and dive, field hockey, cross country, lacrosse and track. I am also a part of the National Honor Society.
Q: What made you decide to do the IB diploma?
A: I was already taking the required coursework, so it just made sense to get the diploma. I also love challenging myself with rigorous coursework.
Q: What skills do you think the IB program has taught you that can help you later in life?
A: The IB program has taught me to never procrastinate and to maintain a balance between both my social and academic life.
Q: How have your friends and family supported you this year?
A: My friends and family are always there for me when I am overwhelmed and stressed and need to talk and let my feelings out.
Q: What colleges have you applied to/plan to apply to?
A: I applied to many schools in Virginia because I want to be close to home. Some of the schools I applied to are the University of Virginia, Virginia Tech, Virginia Commonwealth University, James Madison University and George Mason University. I got accepted into all of them which I am really happy about. I have it narrowed down to two and will be choosing between the University of Virginia and Virginia Tech.
Q: Where do you see yourself in ten years?
A: I hope I finished all my schooling and residency programs and am fulfilling my dream of being a successful doctor.
Q: What lasting impact do you want to leave on this school?
A: Being in a senior class with a full pandemic year has made me believe that the impact of the class of 2021 is that we were guinea pigs! We had to navigate through a whole new system and also support our teachers while they learn new things as well.
Q: What advice do you have for future IB candidates?
A: My advice to IB candidates is to really think about whether you want to give up time and energy for the diploma. It’s not easy and it’s not for everyone. It’s important to prioritize and also to manage time!

Senior Daniela Dosen is the Academics Editor for the A-Blast. She looks forward to spending her final year back in the building. Daniela is striving...