Talkin’ with Thonny
Dear Thonny,
I was just accepted as a member of the National English and Social Studies Honor Societies. Although I am beyond happy to be a part of these societies, I didn’t think about the amount of time and dedication needed to be put into them. Both require me to attain a certain amount of points in order to earn a cord, but I don’t think I will be able to find point opportunities for both of them.
A dedicated member
Dear dedicated member,
Congratulations on becoming a member! I am the Publicist for the National English Honor Society and also a member of the Social Studies Honor Society.
Let me start by telling you that there is no need to worry about searching for opportunities on your own. The sponsors provide many opportunities throughout the year. You can find them posted on the society’s Google Classroom or you can email the sponsors specifically about them.
From my understanding, the societies never clash with each other. The meetings are always at different times, on different days.
Remember not to rush into finishing these point requirements in a month. It will only overwhelm you and interfere with your schoolwork, which will then be detrimental to your GPA which was one of the application requirements for the honor societies.
Being a new member can be stressful but just remember you have the whole school year to earn these points for the cord. Take your time to not only fulfill requirements but also learn from these experiences.
Good luck,

Senior Thonny Anwar is in her third year at The A-Blast as the Academics Editor. She has previously been a staff writer and a Lifestyles Editor. She enjoys...