IB Spotlight: Selam Negash takes her skills off the field and stage
How do you keep up with your academics and social life?
I make sure to prioritize school over any extracurricular activities. Most of my friends have a good mind set and usually prioritize school too, so we make arrangements around it or we will mesh both together and maybe go to the library or study at a cafe or bakery together.
What are your studying habits?
I’m more of a visual/hands on learner so I’ll take what i’m studying- facts,dates, etc- and write it down multiple times to help me remember it; and use Quizlet. I also review my notes which I take with different colors to help remind me or separate the more important material.
What is your favorite IB subject?
My favorite IB class is IB Literature 1. I really enjoyed analyzing literature; reading is something that I enjoyed a lot before school started to become time consuming. I was able to be introduced to my now favorite classic: Jane Eyre. I also learned how to grow and improve my OEA essay writing skills, which honestly helped my writing in general. By also having a very organized and nice teacher, Mrs. Hanson, the class was a lot easier to enjoy
What are your plans after high school?
I plan to go to Nursing school to further my career in becoming a Nurse Anesthetist.
How do you prepare for IB exams?
I have yet to take my first IB Exam. I guess I would study for it by using the review materials my teachers provide for me and asking for extra help when I need it.
Is your only focus academics?
I’ve also played Field Hockey and Lacrosse since the start of high school. Music has also been one of my passions as well. In addition to being in the Choral program at school, for the past four years I have grown in my passion for singing at church where I lead worship in the youth program and sing in the choir. I also play piano and am somewhat teaching myself the guitar, it’s a work in progress.
What advice do you give to future IB candidates?
Be organized! Get your own notebook sized calendar and make sure to constantly update it and check it. Keep yourself motivated by looking at your future, constantly ask yourself where you want to be. Give yourself breaks and know that breakdowns are healthy, normal, and necessary in the IB life. Don’t limit yourself, but also be realistic.
What skills do you think the IB program has taught you that can help you later in life?
How to advocate for myself. I’ve learned how to communicate and work with my teachers when due dates overlap or when I personally need help.
Who has helped you on IB journey and how or why?
A combined effort for sure between my family, friends and classmates, but God has been my rock and my support with seeing me through all of my high school struggles. My sister has helped me tremendously by motivating me, pushing me to keep working hard, and being my 911 phone call when I’m having any type of problem at all.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
In 10 years, I’ll hopefully be a Nurse Anesthetist and have started to have a family of my own.

Senior Jessica Salisbury is currently the Photography editor for the A-Blast. This is her fourth year on the staff. She also spends a lot of her time playing...