Activities director on the future of Annandale sports
Atoms activities director John Ellenberger shared his predictions and
thoughts regarding high school sports during the coronavirus pandemic.
Although many things are still unknown about how the seasons will unfold,
Ellenberger’s answers to the following questions could give students and
teachers a better idea about the future of Atoms athletics.
Q: How are green days being held?
A: “They have been going on for months. The students get checked in by our
ATC every day before practice. They answer the standard COVID questions
and have their temperatures taken. Anyone with a temperature over 100.3 is
sent home and they cannot return until they are cleared by their doctor.”
Q: What sports are currently practicing and what are the rules
about their training?
A: “Football, boys and girls lacrosse, baseball, boys and girls cross country, boys and girls track, boys and girls basketball, boys and girls tennis, golf, vol-
leyball, wrestling and field hockey. If the students are within 10 feet of each other, they must wear a mask. They must bring a 32oz water bottle. The ath-
letes do not wear masks while working out. Limited equipment is being used. If used, like baseballs or volleyballs, they are sprayed with a disinfectant
after 45 minutes.”
Q: Are you unsure about whther some sports will play at all?
A: “We are planning to start playing sports on Dec. 7.”
Q: What are your predictions about how sports will be held this
A: “I am optimistic that we will play this year! I can’t wait to watch our stu-
dent athletes compete.”
Q: If all sports do in fact take place, how will the league the Atoms
play in be affected and how will the length of the season change?
A: “All of our teams will play 60% of their normal schedule. [For] example,
football will play six games instead of 10 games. There will be a playoff game
or a rivalry game played for a seventh game.” (Championships + 1)
Q: What precautions will be taken if a Covid-19 case is reported in a
sports division? Will the season be cancelled or just several games?
A: “This will be handled by our ATC and the rest is unknown. We are waiting
[for] guidance from the State and VHSL.”

Senior Alex Burita is a Sports Editor who has been associated with The A-Blast for the past four years. He was an Entertainment Editor last year and a...

Junior Evan Burita is a staff writer for The A-Blast. He is involved in several extracurricular activities, including playing club soccer for Arlington...