Athlete of the Month: Abbey Yared

Q: How long have you been running cross country?
A: “I have been running since my freshman year.”
Q: What event in cross country do you usually participate?
A: “I run the 5k.”
Q: Are there any other sports that you participate in at school?
A: “Yes, basketball in the winter and track in the spring.”
Q: How did you discover your interest in track and field?
A: “Initially, I ran just to stay in shape for basketball. However, I ended up being better than I expected so I decided to stick with it.”
Q: Who is your favorite athlete and why?
A: “Lebron James, because he constantly defies the odds, and proves his haters wrong, which is what I strive to do.”
Q: What or who inspires you to continue running?
A: “My coach and teammates are very inspirational, but so are the people who want to see me succeed.”
Q: What’s the best advice you have received?
A: “Race it like a race”- Akrem Idris.
Q: How have your friends and family supported you?
A: “They encourage me and push me to work hard everyday.”
Q: What is your daily training routine?
A: “We generally run anywhere from 6-12 miles a day, and twice a week we run hills or sprints twice in a week to improve our speed. Following this, we usually have a core workout or a full body workout in the weight room.”
Q: What’s your favorite pre-race meal?
A: “The nights leading up to a race I usually eat pasta to load on carbohydrates.”
Q: What’s your favorite part about cross country?
A: “Running is great and all, but knowing your teammates are going through the same pain is pretty satisfying.”
Q: What’s your favorite song to listen to before a meet?
A: “‘Headlines’ by Drake or the ‘Never Say Never’ rap. Both get me pretty pumped before a race.”
Q: What advice would you give to future cross country runners?
A: “Good luck.”

Senior Casey Nguyen is in her fourth year on The A-Blast as the Managing Editor. She was previously an In-Depth Editor. She is also the current treasurer...