Swim suiting up for success
Annandale Swim has been preparing and training hard in practice, as they look to win the Gunston District, the new district this year that all Annandale sports were placed in.
“Expectations for this swim season are high. Girls and boys need to step up need to now step up because the playing field is now even. Last years district was much harder so this year, the team will better succeed,” Head Varsity Coach Victoria Douglas said.
Junior swimmer Kayla Holcomb has a similar viewpoint.
“Annandale is in a way easier district so more wins are to be expected,” Holcomb said.
Holcomb also believes the underclassmen will be crucial to success this season for the swim team.
“We have a lot of new young talent in the freshman class that we have this year,” Holcomb said. “Last year was not so successful because we barely had barely any wins. But that can easily change with many factors on our side.”
The first upcoming meet of the season is on Dec. 1, which is a tri meet, where there is three teams.
“The goal that every swimmer should accomplish is to give all effort and cheer for other swimmers to build confidence for the team later on in other meets,” Douglas said.
During the swim season, Douglas wants to make sure the team is always working hard.
“We will have tough practices in hopes to improve each team to do better this year and bridge the gap between returning, more experienced swimmers and new swimmers to help the team later on in the season and in future seasons,” Douglas said.
With the easier district that Annandale has this year, many swimmers on the team are setting goals that they believe are attainable.
“My personal goal is to go to regionals for breaststroke,” Holcomb said.
“Overall this year should be a chance to build up confidence for future seasons and will help the freshman and lower classmen improve by making accustomed to stepping up to win races,” Douglas said. “With all swimmers becoming used to swimming in races where pressure is high, they will be able to focus more and have a better mindset when the districts come around.”
With practice and perseverance, the swim team will be looking to improve their record this year as they begin their first season in the Gunston District.

Senior Alex Burita is a Sports Editor who has been associated with The A-Blast for the past four years. He was an Entertainment Editor last year and a...