Caitlin Schwartz Player Spotlight


Senior Caitlin Schwartz plays center midfield for the varsity field hockey team. In addition to being a hardworking athlete, she is a sister to two and a proud owner of a black Labrador Retriever. In her free time, she likes to hang out with friends and play even more sports.


How did you discover your interest for field hockey?

By my mom, she played in college


What are your main motivations for doing field hockey?

My mom and dad, they push me to do my best in whatever I try


How has being an athlete made you a better person?

It has made me more communicative and also hardworking.


How do you balance field hockey and your academic responsibilities?

After school I go to practice and then right afterwards, I go home, shower, and then get right to my homework. It’s hard sometimes but for my schedule, it works out.


What do you like most about the position that you play?

I love playing [midfield] because it gives me a chance to help on both the defensive and offensive side.


What do you like most about your coaches?

That they support me no matter what and help me to do my best in everything.


Who is your favorite professional athlete?

Mia Hamm, she’s a retired professional soccer player.


What is your favorite song to listen to prior to competing?

Congratulations- Post Malone


What are your pregame rituals?

Praying, listening to music, dancing


What is one thing you always do after a good performance?

I always play music and dance with my friends.


What is your best and worst experience in field hockey?

My best memory was scoring my first goal freshman year on JV and my worst memory would have to be nothing honestly.


What is your preferred brand for a field hockey stick?



What college do you want to go to, and will you be doing field hockey there?

I want to go to either VCU or JMU, and I’m doing a college showcase Thanksgiving weekend. If I get an offer there then it depends upon that


Have you considered pursuing field hockey as a career?

Yes, but I don’t think I’m good enough to.


What other sports are you interested in?

Basketball, soccer, lacrosse


What advice would you give to field hockey newcomers?

To always do what you want! Field hockey is a fun sport that you make your bestest of friends at!