Volleyball grinding through a rough patch
The varsity volleyball team lead by Iris Arrazola and Kasey Richitt is having another rough start to the season. But, the team is keeping their heads up and looking forward to their future games.
The team kicked off their season with a 1-2 record, beating Robert E. Lee High School with a 3-0 win. They have also played tough games that sadly fell to McLean High School with a 0-3 loss and Wakefield High School with a 2-3 loss. Also this past Thursday the girls fell to TJ, 2-3.
Aspiring to bounce back from their 3 losses, the girls are seeking to improve their upcoming game against J.E.B. Stuart High School, on Thursday, September 8. Coming up afterward in the month of September, they will be also playing against varsity volleyball teams of Washington and Lee High School, Falls Church High School, J.E.B. Stuart High School, and Thomas Edison High School.
In this current moment, their center of attention is focused on resolving various issues as swiftly and efficiently as humanly possible. This includes working on making their defense better and covering. However, there are other errors they would like to improve on.
“We need to work on staying focused throughout our matches and flowing together on the court,”” said senior Iris Arrazola. “”Our team wants to work well with everyone.”
Like every other sport, they do not deal with losses easily.” In fact, with the difficulties they have in place, they make it their mission to learn from their errors and mistakes. The team transforms these losses into an educational learning experience by discussing the results after each game is played.
“We talk about it together in a circle saying one positive and one negative thing,”” said Arrazola. By doing this, they fix and execute certain skills that were not done well in the previous game and to prepare for the next.
This team do not allow themselves to fret over a few losses and they do this by encouraging each other to not lose hope. Their dedication and teamwork are evident on and off the court and therefore, they also deal with each loss game together as a whole.
“There’s always that one person that tries to pick everyone back up and say ‘it’s ok we’ll win the next game,'”” said senior Nicole Jordan.
Every team has their losses and each one has varying reactions to them. This also applies to the girls as each one deals with their own personal mistakes differently from the other.
“I just rant about it to my little sister and I feel better the next day,”” said Arrazola.
Compared to the previous years, there are various new changes in the program. This includes the team’s brand-new coaches, Larry and Bonnie Lefbom, as well as Coach Amie. Returning players say that they are not only gaining a pair of fresh new eyes to train them, but also learning new techniques and knowledge about the game.
“Coach Lefbom is a very positive and energetic coach,”” said Kasey Richitt, senior.
The girls say that these new coaches are also very persistent, but most importantly, supportive in pushing them to do their very best.
“Our new coach set a goal for us to make it into Regionals this year and we are totally capable of doing so,””said Arrazola.
This is always the main goal for each season, but this year it seems they may have a fighting chance.
The team has high hopes in making their dream into reality, as returning players say that the team chemistry has drastically improved this season compared to the previous. The season commenced with bringing back 11 of their returning players from last season, as well as pulling up 4 new players.
“We have a lot of potential with all the new juniors on the team,”” said Arrazola.
These volleyball girls are extremely optimistic as their season will be sure to be filled with surprises and more victories in store. Not only are they determined in maturing into better players, but also better people.
“We will try our hardest and are ready to win,”” said Jordan. “”I know we try our best, even if we don’t win, and I know we are improving together as a team.””
Be sure to make time to come out and support Annandale High School Volleyball at their next home game on Monday, Sept. 19 at 7:15 p.m. as they face J.E.B. Stuart High School.

Senior Casey Nguyen is in her fourth year on The A-Blast as the Managing Editor. She was previously an In-Depth Editor. She is also the current treasurer...