Boys track working hard
Indoor winter track did not make any cuts this season compared to the previous season. They now have 175 kids on the team. “The team is going to probably break down to maybe 15 varsity girls and 15 varsity boys,” head Coach Phillip Harris said.
“While the rest are going to be on the JV team.” To determine which boys will be on the varsity team they need to meet a set time. What the coaches did was take the top three runner times from the 200s, 55s and the mile to make up the indoor boys varsity team. Everybody on the team will be at a varsity level or close to a varsity level, according to Harris. The first meet of the season will be on b Friday, Dec. 11 at the Thomas Jefferson community center and it will a JV event. The meet on Dec. 18 at Prince George Plaza will be the first meet for varsity boy runners. Since not all runners are able to compete at the upcoming meet, some of the varsity runners will run at an upcoming invitational. Junior Youssef El-Bourki cannot wait to already start his season, even though he will not competing this Friday. Runners who are going to compete at this meet are already setting their goals and winning isn’t always on their mind. “At this meet I’m not really looking to win or get a certain place but but rather hit the time that I want to hit or even better,” senior Noal Bayisa said.
Team practices usually consist of running repeats 250s and 300s. “This is just to get the volume up so they can do the events later,” Harris said, “so we haven’t started actually individualize instructions for any particular event. We’re just trying to find out who is better for that event.” Working hard through every practice after school is important to achieve their desired goal by the end of the season.
The practices of distance consist of running a trail going to Wakefield to running to Lake Accotink to running along the highway. On recovery days after these long runs, runner get to run shorter distances. Pole vault practices tend to be vastly different than sprints and distance. For the time being, pole vault only practices one to two times a week and not every day. “Since we do not practice more than one to two times a week, I make sure to give it my all during the practice,” junior Jeremiah Beatha said. Even though boys track has lost many seniors from last year and a coach this season they still strive to get better and better everyday. Come watch them at the first meet at Thomas Jefferson community center on Dec. 11.

Sheila Aguirre is a senior at Annandale High School and this is her third year on the A-Blast as a the Lifestyle editor. She enjoys reading, volunteering...