Q & A with girls varsity lacrosse coach Cindy Hook
Q. What are some positive observations of the team you’ve noticed at practice and games?
A. “The team enjoys being together, stays postitive, and helps one another on and off of the field. They are fiercly competive, play with great sportsmanship and never gve up. I really look foward to working with them each day.”
Q. What are some weaknesses that could be improved on?
A. “We continue to work on footwork and ground balls, communcation, stick skills, the timing and execution in our passng game, and our individual and team defense.”
Q. How is the team planning on improving?
A. “With focused practice, practice and practice.”
Q. How do you think the season has gone so far?
A. “Very well. We have steadily improved individually and made great progress as a eam. We have played strong in every game and have given ourselves a chance to win it in the end but in most games it has not always ended in our favor, but we are very close to putting all of the pieces together. It will be an amazing thing to see.”
Q. Any other thoughts or comments?
A. “We really have great leadership in our captains, Lailumah Faisal and Sureyya Gokturk who, along with our seniors, really help motivate us and keep us on track.”
About the Writer

Sabrina Hawa, Managing Editor
Sabrina is a senior at Annandale and this is her fourth year on staff. She started out her first year as the sports editor, then the health editor and...