Seniors reflect on final picture day at Annandale
Senior pictures took place during the week of August 30 to September 2, and then on September 7. Seniors experienced their final picture day as an Annandale Atom and caught a bit of emotion after leaving the set. Seniors were able to schedule what day and time to take their pictures.
They are also able to choose what photo they would like to go in the yearbook. Seniors can also purchase their photos through Prestige Photography by Lifetouch.
“It feels crazy that things are coming to an end, and it felt even crazier that our last picture day before the pandemic was during our sophomore year.” senior Journee Ward said. “It’s really shocking how in a blink of an eye we are taking our senior pictures and that those are our last pictures as an Atom, but I’m excited to begin a new chapter after graduating.”
Seniors were able to choose from a variety of packages that included different poses, outfits and backgrounds. The Prestige Photography also offered a white button up shirt with a black coat, or black drapes for people who did not bring clothes.
It was a very different experience compared to the past picture days since there was more opportunities to make your own choices in regard to backgrounds, poses, scheduling time and even choosing what picture you want to go in the yearbook.
Senior Jack Perloff couldn’t believe that this would be his final picture day as a high schooler. “I am not a big fan of picture day, but it is a bit emotional knowing that I will not be able to experience a picture day like this again,” Perloff said.
The last time that the current seniors had a picture day was over a year and a half ago during their sophomore year. For many, the feeling is very surreal.
“Honestly, I did not think of this until now, but it is crazy how time flies and that I took my last picture as an Atom.” senior Gabe Thayer said. “I expected senior picture day to be a little different since I was an underclassman, I always heard announcements for senior pictures and it was different, I got to choose my own background and my special outfit for the pictures.”
Seniors that were unable to schedule appointments will have another opportunity to make up their pictures at the next session which is scheduled for October 11 through October 12 after school from
3 p.m. to 9 p.m., and December 7 through December 10. This session will also be held after school from 3 p.m. to 9 p.m. in the dance room at the back of the upper gym.

Senior Joseph Zepeda is a first year staff writer for The A-Blast. Outside of school, Joseph enjoys playing basketball and listening to music and hanging...