Each year, certain courses are not offered to students as not enough people have signed up for the class.
The number of students signed up to take the course depends on the type of class. Some are required for graduation, so those typically stay in place.
For most courses, the average number of students who need to sign up for it is 15.
“Right now, there are less than a handful of classes that we may not be able to offer next year that we have offered this year,” director of student services Erik Healey said. “There are also classes that we are bringing back next year that we were not able to this year. IB World Religions is one and we are starting a yoga for wellness class which is new.”
The reason classes are not offered is because every school is allocated a certain number of staff.
AHS has to fall within that range and sometimes AHS is not given enough staff.
“We then have to make some tough decisions about what it is that we have to offer versus what we can. Sometimes we do not have enough kids and can not run the course,” Healey said.
The official list of courses that will not be offered has not yet been finalized.
If a course is cut, counselors will be reaching out to students soon so they can choose a new class.