D.C. lifts restrictions

Over the last year, the coronavirus pandemic has affected people, events, businesses, and attractions in the nation’s capital and all across the world. As more and more people continue to get vaccinated, restrictions will continue to lighten up and life can start going back to normal.
With the decline in the number of COVID-19 cases, officials in the nation’s capital announced a timetable for reopening, which will remove all indoor capacity restrictions by early June, but the mask requirements are still in effect.
Mayor Muriel Bowser announced a two-phase plan earlier in the month, in which the capacity limit for all indoor events would be lifted on May 21. But with bars, nightclubs, and entertainment venues they will have to wait till June 11 for their capacity restrictions to be lifted in DC.
The city is currently in phase three of reopening which started May 21, which does still allow business to operate. The DC Mayor Muriel Bowser, announced last week that the city’s status on reopening started on May 21, and a full reopening of DC on June 11.
For the most part, phase three restrictions on public and commercial activity, such as capacity limits and types of activities, will be eliminated. Bars and nightclubs are allowed to operate on 50% capacity, while waivers are required for entertainment venues and sporting events.
According to Mayor Bowser, as of now, fully vaccinated people in the District only need to wear masks and social distance in places where it is required. But to also respect the places that do require their patrons to wear a face covering.
“It will be interesting to see what DC will be like after June 11”, sophomore Marcelo Pozo said. “People have been wearing masks for over a year now so I wonder if people will stay wearing masks or stop wearing them. I am excited that there are fans inside stadiums now after so long of playing in front of nobody, it’s good to have the fans cheering on their teams after a long time away from the games.”
Starting Fri., June 11, all restrictions on the capacity of different businesses, nightclubs, and sporting events will be lifted in the nation’s capital.

Senior Tyler Foti is in his fourth year on The A-Blast staff. He played soccer and basketball for Annandale last year and plans to play this year as...