School picture make-ups have been scheduled


One of the most important days of the year, especially for seniors, is picture day. Picture day is a student’s chance to have their face forever documented in the history of their school. For seniors, it is not only that but a chance to relive and share memories of graduating with friends and family.

However, looking good in pictures is always hard and some students had the unfortunate luck of missing their picture day.

Fortunately, there is always a chance for school picture make-ups and retakes.

This year, underclassmen make-up pictures are on Monday, Oct 21 and Tuesday, Oct 22. Students will be dismissed from their English classes and directed to the dance room for their pictures. Students have the option of either retaking or making up their pictures and are able to take them at any time during the two days. 

Senior make-up pictures will be available after school Oct 23-25 in the dance room.

It is especially important for seniors to make-up their pictures if they have not taken them already, it is the last chance for students to receive senior photos for their friends and families.