Senior class meeting held during elective fair
Class of 2018 seniors attend the class breakfast and meeting to talk information about graduation, prom, fundraising in progress and all night grad celebration on January 10. This meeting is very important to seniors and their parents to know about upcoming events for them. Class officers, members from PTSA, and sponsors were representing the class meeting to give out more information about graduation and other activities for 2018 seniors. First, the 2018 graduation coordinator Coach Cindy Hook and the PTSA handed out copies of the checklist for seniors so they can remember and post the dates on their calendars. Then they handed out small sheets so seniors can label their name, height, and weight so the sponsors know if how are the guys and girls wearing and walking on graduation night. The graduation ceremony is on Thursday June 7, 2018 at DAR Constitution Hall in Washington D.C.
Before Coach Cindy Hook shows the presentation slides, she introduces herself as the 2018 graduation coordinator to help seniors graduate from high school on time. So Hook said “It’s my job to make sure that you all get to Constitution Hall dress properly and understand when your get there”. She would have a list of seniors who are graduating, finished all of their academic, paid their senior dues, and returned or paid all of their obligations. Prom and all night graduation celebration is optional, seniors can think if they could go or not. Coach Hook announced enough information when she showed the slides presentation about everything what the seniors need to know about graduation. Every school, mostly graduation is always held at DAR Constitution Hall and Hook said “It’s beautiful beautiful building an it’s a privilege to be able to have our graduation there”. This year’s graduation has to be the most memorable to seniors and their families.
Coach Hook reminds all seniors that they have to attend rehearsal while the underclassmen take their final exams. Graduation rehearsal is on June 6, 2018 at the auditorium. Coach Hook said “All senior obligations have to be returned or paid before attending rehearsal”. Seniors will not attend rehearsal if those obligations are turned in. some of them would miss it if they are late or have scheduled appointments. Hook said “Do not miss or scheduled any appointments on the day of the rehearsal” and “ Before rehearsal, a senior is missing a book, so he or she went to go and get the book, and then missed rehearsal”. Caps, gowns, and graduation tickets will be distributed during the two rehearsals. Once they receive tickets and graduation uniforms after the two rehearsals are done, they could prepare for graduation the day after rehearsal.
One of the members from the PTSA introduced herself and give information about All Night Graduation celebration on the night after graduation. This event has lots of fun activities so the seniors can enjoy whatever they want since they graduated. It starts at 11:00 pm until 5:00 am and it is held at Audrey Moore RECenter (Wakefield). There is a swimming pool, games, buffet, and a hypnotist. She showed them a video on how does the hypnotist have the seniors fall under the his hypnosis. Also photos were been shown of last year’s All Night Grad 2017, 2018 seniors can see how it will look like when they attend the celebration.
Lastly, Principal Thomas talks about the accomplishments before graduation and all night grad for example and he said “What people are they gonna remember and could remember you the most is what you do last”. Seniors have to be on their best behavior and as long as they avoid trouble in school. Principal Thomas said “Seniors, finish the semester strong and you guys got a lot of breaks from school” and “Look out for yourselves between now and the end of the year, and also we are gonna have an amazing second semester this school year”. He also said “There are 470 of you about to graduate and join me at DAR Constitution Hall on June 7th, I expecting to be 470 of you on that date and on that stage one at a time, but the seniors have work to do. Hopefully all seniors graduate from high school on time so they could have any plans for their future.

Senior Pablo Gamarra is a staff writer and it’s his first year working with The A Blast, He likes sports, video games, and watching movies. During his...