FCPS closures add more days
There are many school closings due to inclement weather such as snowfall or winter weather advisories in the morning, afternoon, and nighttime. A lot of students wanted school to be closed because they would rather do anything instead of being in school like sleep more or go anywhere with friends. If there is a number amount of more school closures, then FCPS could add school days before the last day of school. They can make decisions anytime if there are a lot of school closures for students and teachers. Students and teachers of FCPS don’t know that if there are gonna be more or less school closures in the 2018 -2019 school year.
Students and teachers check if schools are closed and delayed on news stations such as Fox, NBC, ABC, and CBS, also they could check at FCPS channel 21 on their cable TV and on Twitter too. FCPS puts decisions around in the nighttime or at 4:30 am, it used to be at around 5:00 am before the county changed it. Mostly students and teachers check on FCPS and Ryan McElveen’s Twitter accounts for updates and decisions on school closures and delays. They would tweet them about wanting school to be closed or delayed, but sometimes Ryan McElveen and FCPS do reply to any other tweets on Twitter. FCPS school board members decide themselves if school should be close school early if there is a winter storm warning in the area.
Some students and teachers don’t want school to be closed or delay so FCPS doesn’t add more school days before the last day of school, but high school seniors can still get out early for prom and graduation. FCPS sometimes decide that students should go to school on time when there is a winter storm advisory or it’s freezing rain outside. Students want to end school on June, 15, 2018 this school year so they can enjoy their summer until the next school year begins. Some changes would happen during in January or February about more on school closures and delays.
There are been weather events that cause all county schools to close longer like the blizzard warning event 2016 that happened during the 2015-2016 school year, this event was that school was closed for 1 week because there was a lot of snow everywhere on roads and highways that is difficult to drive thru. There is another event that schools were closed due to the extreme cold weather like very low temperatures, power outages, heating systems, and water main breaks could have students sent home early if FCPS makes this decision. There have early releases and after school cancellations happened each year by FCPS school board members.. There were a lot of school closures, but the calendar didn’t change.
Hopefully that the last day of school date would not change if there are more amount of school days added to the 2017-2018 FCPS school calendar.

Senior Pablo Gamarra is a staff writer and it’s his first year working with The A Blast, He likes sports, video games, and watching movies. During his...