Green Atoms holds car wash

The Green Atoms, a club that cleans places, cars, and grows plants, hosted a car wash on October 15th. The car wash took place at Backlick Road Service. The car wash started at 11:30 a.m and ended at 4:30 p.m. It was a total of 5 hours.

“We will need money for weekly supplies such as reusable gloves for recycling every Wednesday, or our cleanups at Ossian Hall Park,” said Jaylynn Ngo. “We need trash bags, gloves, and trash pickers.”

The Green Atoms club will be needing these supplies to start gardening in the springtime. With the amount of people that participate in this club, they need as much money as they can get to be able to get these supplies.

“The Green Atoms have a huge member turnout this year,” said Ngo. “Therefore, I will expect a lot of people to participate at the car wash.”

The car wash was a lot of work and was time consuming for The Green Atoms. They needed every last person that they could get a hold of to help them wash cars. But at the end of the car wash, it was really successful and they earned money for their supplies..

“We are working on expanding our food garden,” said Ngo. “The Green Atoms needs the funds to run these activities and expand our projects.

The Green Atoms are looking to collaborate with other clubs to improve their food garden and the status of their food. The Green Atoms are also looking for funds to buy more materials to go with the garden.

The Green Atoms are looking forward to having more people join, enlighten the students and staff about our environment and community, and lastly, help out the projects that have been made and will be made by the Annandale community.