Battle of the Classes coming up
Tis’ the season to discover which grade is the fastest, strongest and toughest in the annual Battle of the Classes (BOTC) competition. This year the competition will be on April 21, outside on the football field. But, in the off chance of inclement weather the event will be held in the Gym.
The theme this year is ‘color clash’ and will feature games and activities all centered around that concept. The spirit week is also color filled, the spirit days are as followed: tie-die Tuesday, workout Wednesday, liberty Thursday and class color Friday (freshman wear white, sophomores wear blue, juniors wear pink and seniors wear yellow or togas).
“I am looking forward to this spirit week,” senior Tehya Moss said. “It is kind of strange that this will be my last spirit week ever, but it makes me even more excited!”
To help raise student awareness of the competition as well as those in need Leadership is collecting soda can tabs from all w4 classes. The classes with the most tabs will be able to attend BOTC. The soda can tabs will be sent to Shriner’s hospital, where they will be turned into wheelchairs.
Senior Jeremiah is a first year A-Blast member. Although Jeremiah is new to the A-Blast, he is immensely known around AHS for his many contributions in...