National Honor Society Tutoring Center to open next Wednesday
National Honor Society will open a tutoring center for all subjects on Oct. 5.
The center will be open every Wednesday after school until the late bus comes. Students must sign up ahead of time to tutor or to request a tutor on two respective google forms.
Fliers with QR codes linked to said google forms will be posted around AHS this week. Once students sign up with their emails, they will be matched with a tutor or tutee in their subject of choice. Students will be notified if they have been matched before their chosen date.
The tutoring center will allow students struggling in their classes to seek free and easy help. Additionally, students who need tutoring hours for honor societies, MYP, CAS, honors classes, or students who just want to tutor for fun have the chance to do so in a supervised environment. Ms. Grandy, the sponsor of NHS, is in charge of the tutoring center along with a couple members of the club’s administration. For more information, visit her in room 203.

Senior Sadie Modica has been on the A-Blast staff for three years. In addition to her responsibilities as Co-Editor-in-Chief, Sadie is an IB Diploma candidate...