Filament Poetry Slam
The Filament club at AHS writes for, and has their work published for the literary magazine. Club members collect artwork, stories, and poems which also become a part of the yearbook.
Students submit their work their work to their english teachers or club members to have edited and published. The filament club at AHS consists of 15 members who edit and write literature.
The Filament will be holding a coffee house fundraiser at AHS on April 6. The club has been holding coffee houses to present literature, as well as having guest speakers for the students who arrive. The coffee house is a fundraiser which helps the club pay anywhere around $700-$1200 for literature to be published in The Filament Magazine.
Students and staff will get a chance to showcase their talents. Tickets to the coffee house will be $4 at the door and $3 at lunch.
The coffee house fundraiser earlier in the year during the fall was extremely successful compared to the previous years. Many students and staff showed attended, and also had guest speaker, Joseph Green, a poet who performed slam poetry.
“The club is very energetic and the student members are very dedicated,” Filament club sponsor Fusan Sulzbach said. “The editors are dedicated to publish top quality stories.”
The club motivates students to submit literature of their choice that interests them to be published in the magazine, and gain recognition.

Senior, Tooba Siddique is the International Editor and this is her fourth year on staff. Tooba enjoys traveling, reading, and spending time with family...