Boys track starts back up
Spring track is getting into gear for the new season and preparing many new goals to be met. There are many things they wish to do. Whether they are old routines or new plans for their goals, everyone has a common goal.
Working out and going on runs during the off season has helped many of these boys transition back into spring season without any setbacks.
“Working out on the off season helps a lot by making sure you stay in shape,” sophomore Natnal Endalkachew said. “It helps you stay and get faster and I’m definitely happy to be getting back into shape.”
Getting back into shape is just as important as getting back into the mindset for the new season.
“I’ve been getting into the mindset of track by doing a lot of cardio workouts and trying to eat right,” junior Lucas Michael said.
Most of the athletes have thought about what they want to achieve and what goals they are setting for the new season.
“My goal for the most part is to end the season with a bang, help Annandale rise back up in track and have as much fun as I can,” senior Nana Forson said. “I plan on being a team leader while setting an example for the athletes younger than I am.”
“If you have a goal for each season regardless of what it may be, you have a motive, and if that motive has great value, it carries you through the season,” Forson said. “But without a goal, you’ll just continue to run aimlessly and never truly improve unless you come up with a new goal in the process.”
Endurance is an aspect of track which most athletes agree can change their results dramatically and improve their performance.
“I want to run for a long amount of time, so it can help me improve my endurance while running a two mile,” sophomore Zaid Al-Kahfah said.“It’s been easy, since I was running during that time off and getting ready for the new season!”
One problem which track athletes have had in the past is not being consistent with coming to practice.
“Dedication and commitment are the most important parts of success, with people coming to all practices and giving their all every practice. If we stay dedicated and motivated we can get better and have a good season,” junior Lucas Michael said.
All in all, the boys track team is ready to work hard for their goals and start off the season the right way by working hard and staying focused and dedicated.

Senior Lina Al Taii has been on The A- Blast staff for three years. She is currently the Entertainment Editor, and has been an International Editor and...