Girls swim prepares for conference
The girls swim team will be preparing for the Patriot Conference seven meet in the upcoming weeks finishing off their regular season with three more crucial meets.
These last few weeks of regular season are extremely critical for a good performance at conference.
“Going to practice and actually trying is a very important part of the weeks leading up to conference.” Freshman Kayla Holcomb said “As they say practice makes perfect also getting enough sleep and not working yourself too much is a big part.”
Lennon Wuhrer, a sophomore on the swim team, said she thinks as a team their practices have been more challenging and exciting.
“We have more spirit in cheers so I think we will do good in conference because of our good attitude and performance” She said.
Working hard now will build the skills that they will need in order to have results at conference.
“Right now we are training hard at practice and building our endurance and sprint ability.” Senior Ashley Britton said, “I think that if we continue to be consistent in our practice and then taper before conference, we will have great results”
Practices play a crucial role for showing what everyone has worked hard on.
“The practices play a big role in helping drop time.” Senior Karmena Werking said. “A lot of the girls have definitely improved in dropping time, and are pushing themselves in practice to show what they have at the meet.”
While the girls have been practicing what they already know, they have also been expanding their comfort zones to be a stronger team.
“We have definitely been improving, a lot of girls have been doing new events at meets and expanding past their comfort zones.” Senior Ashley Britton said, “This is super beneficial because it familiarizes swimmers with different races. Practices are huge, because in swimming you have to be constantly training in order to build the right muscles, so when properly practicing it will really improve racing.”
However, there are still some things they need to improve on.
“We need to improve on our stamina” freshman Katie Pope said, “this is important because it will help us swim our fastest”
The mentality is different during conference because there is no more time to practice and keep trying.
“Mistakes play a role in conferences because there isn’t really a second chance to come about to do it again. That meet is the time to give it all you got and leave it in the pool.” Senior karmena werking said.
This means that during the last couple of weeks gaining the confidence to compete with not only the other swimmers, but yourself, is a very important key.
“I think we all need to have confidence in ourselves” senior Karmena Werking said. “We need to realize that it’s not about beating the other person, it’s about beating yourself and being proud of the time you got rather than the placement of the race.”

Senior Lina Al Taii has been on The A- Blast staff for three years. She is currently the Entertainment Editor, and has been an International Editor and...