AVID Field Trip
Last Tuesday, 31 AVID students attended a field trip to George Mason University for the Alcanza college fair. The AVID program prepares students for college and the fair allowed them to explore the horizon of schools, it is an annual event and the AHS AVID students spent their time there from 10:00am to about 1:00pm. Surprisingly, the trip didn’t take much planning at all according to Ms. Bellamy one of the AVID instructors “surprisingly it didn’t take much planning it was well planned, the hardest part was getting all of the students documentations turned in.” The AVID students went to the Alcanza college fair on invitation and enjoyed it even though not all of the students could attend. “The trip was absolutely educational, AVID gives students many opportunities.” Ms. Bellamy adds. As a matter of fact the AVID program will be going on their annual major field trip in the spring, the instructors would like to travel farther down south, but the location is still to be determined.

Amani is currently a sophomore at Annandale high school and is excited to begin her first year on A-blast. Outside of school she takes dance classes five...