Les Miserables to debut
The drama department here at AHS will be performing their first play of the school year from Dec. 3-5, Les Miserables.
“Les Miserables is a beautiful musical about a man’s journey to redemption and it also includes all the people he crosses paths with along the way,” freshman Rediate Zewdu said.
The cast of Les Miserables rehearse after school on their vocals and are starting stage practice today. Each student is doing what they can to prepare for their upcoming performance.
“I’ve been blasting the soundtrack to every performance and I’m pretty sure that at this point my family’s sick of me, but I am so excited!” Zewdu said.
Les Miserables is a world famous musical based on the novel Les Miserables, written by French poet and novelist Victor Hugo. Over time this musical has become one of the most celebrated musicals in theatrical history.
“I certainly think our show will live up to the great expectations people have for it,” drama teacher Katherine Brunberg said. “Our actors capture the inner struggles of these characters beautifully and the design compliments the action and mood in just the right way.”
Generally, when performing something well-known, people have high expectations.
“I think the audience will really enjoy seeing this beautiful show and I hope we are able to do it justice,” freshman Emily Trachsel said.
Cast members were asked about what they thought makes this upcoming production unique from previous plays and musicals Annandale’s drama department has performed.
“Based on the productions I’ve seen here at Annandale, I’d say this one is very different content wise considering it is a very serious and solemn story, however there are a few humorous parts,” Trachsel said. “The name literally translates to ‘The Miserables,’ making this production different from others in the sense that the other productions were on the fun and happier side.”
For this production, there will be many students participating on and off the stage. On set they’ll have flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, horn, trombone, percussion, drums, guitar, violin, viola, cello, bass and the keyboard playing.
“On weekends we have tech calls. During tech calls we build and paint the set pieces, pull and make costumes and props, hang and focus lights, organize sound equipment, etc.” Brunberg said.
Brunberg also has singing teacher Jessica Irish running the vocal rehearsals while she runs the acting rehearsals.
Assistant directors Sacha Cameron and Trevor Boynton also help out with the rehearsals to make this production as great as possible.
Setting up and preparing for this production was not easy, but the drama department is extremely excited to put on a great musical for everyone going out to watch it.

Senior Kavi Shamdin is currently one of the Academics Editors on The A-Blast. She has been on staff for three years and was previously an Arts Editor and...