FCPS students ride for free
Students eligible for Fairfax Connector pass

Currently in action is a new program where Fairfax County Public School students are able to receive a bus pass in order to ride the Fairfax Connector. The Connector is a bus service provided by Fairfax County and operates under a contract with MV Transportation.
The students will be able to ride the bus for free from Monday through Friday from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Although the new policy makes it easier for students to transportate if they do not have a car, the Fairfax Connector doesn’t reach as many places as the metro bus.
The metro bus travels to various locations around the D.C.-Maryland-Northern Virginia region, making it easier for students to get to their desired locations. So hopefully the new policy will extend to the metro bus and metro rail like it has for students attending school in Washington D.C.
“I take the bus almost everyday,” senior Naod Teklie said. “Since I moved, the school bus doesn’t drop me directly at my house so I have to take a metro bus to get there.”
The Fairfax Connector bus pass for FCPS students could provide students who normally ride the connector with easy and convenient access.
“I’ve been taking the bus since I was in ninth grade,” senior Naod Teklie said. “I felt that they provided easy transportation so I kept using it.”
In order to obtain a free bus pass, students should go to the Career Center and pick up forms from Robin Roth, the career center specialist.
After completing the forms and having approval from one’s parent or guardian, students should turn them into Roth in her office and will be provided with a pass with that student’s name on it.
Too see more information about the Fairfax Connector and its routes and when it operates, visit the Career Center.

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