Senior awards ceremony

Students praised for academic excellence

About 100 students were recognized and awarded for their achievements in their classes. AHS held a formal event that appreciated the school’s finest overachievers in the auditorium. During the ceremony, it was announced that AHS seniors won an approximate total of $2.5 million in scholarships. Senior Soriya de Lopez received the highest number of awards, with a total of five awards overall.

On June 4 at 7 p.m., a select few of students who have showed hard work and dedication throughout their four years of high school and were finally awarded for their excellence by their teachers. The event not only include seniors, but a few juniors as well.

Students who got scholarships from colleges were asked to stand up and be recognized for their achievement. Students were not only given awards, but also scholarships for their academic achievement or their leadership. Senior Peter Baek was awarded the James G. Finch Scholarship for having an outstanding leadership and for participating in school and community service.

Awards were handed to students who showed excellence in each department, foreign languages, athletics and extra-curricular activites. Closing the awards ceremony, 35 IB diploma candidates were called out and were given their cords as they walked on stage. 

Soriya de Lopez
Senior Soriya de Lopez helped sort out IB diploma candidate cords. She received the highest number of awards.