Student recognized for spirit themed videos
Screenshot of Lam’s video.
After losing the football game against Lake Braddock on Sept. 26, senior Ricky Lam produced a video that captured the enthusiasm from the crowd. This video started to spread throughout Instagram and Twitter garnering Lam with many new found fans. Lam compiled footage of the seniors and juniors preparing for the football game.
He captured the moments not only of the crowd, but also the football team, cheerleaders and performance from the marching band and dance team.
“Well I always like to differentiate myself from the rest. Not meaning that I’m cocky or anything. I just didn’t want to post up another photo of the hypesquad, especially since I’m never in them,” senior Ricky Lam said.
Using a video editing software called, Final Cut, he was able to compile several clips together to produce a 15 second video to post on his Instagram.
“I usually only get 20-40 likes on my Instagram posts, so I really wasn’t expecting much. The thought of everyone else seeing it never crossed my mind,” Lam said.
Lam had previously uploaded a video showing the game between AHS and J.E.B. Stuart HS, which was one the first videos to gain recognition.
“I thought the videos that [Lam] made were amazing. It not only shows the hypesquad and spirit of the Class of 2015, but the whole school as one. Go Atoms,” senior Julie Nguyen said.
Students began looking forward to the next video Lam was expected to create.
“I thought that it would be awkward to post up something after our football team lost. However, I changed my mind after some of the people in the hype squad approached me, saying that they were so excited to watch the second video,” Lam said. “I was still hesitant until I watched the recordings of the game where I noticed that everyone was still having fun even though they lost.”
He did not intend to create anything more than a 15 second video, but since he found extra clips from the football, he decided to transform it into a two minute video.
“I knew there needed to be an extended version that could perfectly represent AHS’ spirit,” Lam said.
Lam’s goal was to produce a video that would show the different types of people of AHS, the band, color guard, hypesquad, football players and anyone else who decided to attend the games. Even though AHS lost the game against Lake Braddock SS, Lam posted the video to show how spirited the school can be.
While he enjoys making the video, he does not want students to create high expectations for his videos, nor does he want the pressure to keep creating videos each game.
“I’m an IB Diploma candidate who’s the co-editor-in-chief in yearbook and working alongside the Antenna, I have so much to do. I feel like everyone has set me up to high expectations when I decide to release something, which is very pressuring.”
Lam received many compliments from students all around, and was widely recognized on Twitter
“I would like to thank everyone (again) for noticing and spreading these videos around. Somehow, I was recognized and at first, I was a little weirded out by it. But it helped remind me of my passion for filming and for making me ‘matter’ in the student body,” Lam said.
Community members can view the video through this link:

Berta is currently a senior. She has been on The A-Blast since her freshmen year and was first an Academics Editor during sophomore year and then became...