Autism awareness t-shirt contest

This April, AHS will be observing Autism Awareness month for the first time. The month is dedicated to acknowledging various forms of Autism across the entire spectrum throughout the community.
Autism is recognized around the worldwide with events held year-round, many of which are run by the Autism Speaks foundation.
At AHS, there is a special needs program with students that range from high to low functioning ends of the Autism spectrum, tying this event into the very hallways of the school.
In order to commemorate the event, AHS is holding a T-Shirt design contest run by Instructional Assistant Rebecca Stroud.
The t-shirt designs must include 2014, Annandale HS, various jigsaw puzzle pieces as they are the symbol for Autism awareness, and can have no more than three colors. Be sure to include the desired color of the t-shirt the design will be printed on.
All designs should be drawn on 8”x11” paper and should be submitted to Rebecca Stroud in room 90 or emailed to by March 3.

Jarod is a senior at Annandale High School and has been with The A-Blast for four years. Aside from being the Co-Editor in Chief, Jarod also participates...