It’s that time of year where everyone can eat whatever they want with friends and family. Thanksgiving is meant to be a holiday where we are thankful of everything that we have and to appreciate the people that surround us.
The traditional thanksgiving meal consists of an oven baked Turkey, stuffing, gravy, mashed potatoes, green beans and a lot of pie. But over the years, people have started thinking of alternative ways to treat themselves to a nice Thanksgiving meal.
“We had all of the normal Thanksgiving dinner. I think all the wierd ways of doing Thanksgiving are different and it just depends on personal tastes” junior Sara Prince said.
The new idea of deep frying your turkey is sweeping through the nation. Deep frying a turkey is extremely dangerous and not easy.
Comparing the deep fried turkey to an original oven baked, the meat of the deep fried is very moist and rich of flavor. It also has a crispy skin that the oven baked does not have.
Another alternative of the traditional turkey are for vegetarians. It’s called Tofu Turkey. Tofu turkey is made out of tofu but tastes and sort of looks like a real turkey. This lets vegetarians partake in the usual thanksgiving traditions.
It doesn’t matter how you celebrate Thanksgiving, if you go traditional or go out of the ordinary, Thanksgiving is a holiday to be thankful and to be with your family.