Erin Johnson
Seniors gathered during W4 and Atom Time to take their panoramic picture.
Every year the senior class packs into the football stadium’s bleachers to take one last class photo together on school grounds before their time at AHS comes to an end. With the class of 2013 marking them as one of Annandale’s biggest classes in the schools history, the task took up all of W4 and went into Atom Time.
“It’s bittersweet because it’s our last picture, but it’s good to be a senior,” senior Jenny Ha said.
The bleachers were jam-packed with over 650 of AHS’s seniors taking one last picture together to mark the end of their 4 years here at AHS. Although the end of their final year is still eight months away, it is one of the seniors’ last chances to leave their mark.
“It’s too crowded, it’s kind of annoying, and a lot of people were pushing” said senior Hawar Yosef.
As the seniors smile through all of havoc of their last class picture, some reminisce on their past three years together, while others can’t wait the end of their time here as they all continue on through their final year at AHS.
“It’s different, it’s commemorating our years here at Annandale. It’s going to be weird leaving” said senior Alex Williams.