Romeo and Juliet experience the work of Dr. Seuss, while classic fairy tale stories are turned upside down. This is exactly what to expect when the Theater 1 students perform “The Seussification of Romeo and Juliet” and “Frumpled Fairy Tales” on June 7 during R3. Teachers are invited to bring their classes to watch the performances during that time.
“The students have put a lot of work into this,” theater teacher George Bennett said. “There are some people who are more dedicated than others, but overall everyone has been doing a good job.”
“The Seussification of Romeo and Juliet” is an adaptation of Shakespeare’s well-known tragic love story. It is transformed into a way Dr. Seuss would have written Shakespeare’s play. “Frumpled Fairy Tales” takes three classic childhood characters and their stories: “Little Red Riding Hood,” “Rapunzel” and “Rumpelstiltskin,” and executes them in a different manner. Both plays are of an approximate 30 minute duration and are of comedic genre.
“I think the audience is going to find it [“Frumpled Fairy Tales”] very funny,” junior Ann-Marie Little, who is one of the student directors for “Frumpled Fairy Tales,” said.
These plays are the students’ final exam grades for the school year. They have been practicing since the beginning of the fourth quarter.
“Some people still need to get their lines down,” freshman Henna Ayub, who is the other student director for “Frumpled Fairy Tales,” said. “Everyone though has been working hard in both plays to perform a great production.”