The Senior Breakfast took place in the cafeteria during the W4 and Atom Time block on Feb. 17. Members of the Class of 2012 gathered to socialize with their peers. Long lines had people anxious for the food while teachers walked around handing out papers about the graduation process. Coach Cindy Hook and senior mom Tracie Nisker spoke to the students about what’s to come in June. The seniors showed their enthusiasm by cheering for graduation to come sooner.
“I came for the food; I heard it would be great. Who doesn’t love a great breakfast?” Senior Suliman Mohmand said.
The refreshment included donuts, bagels, muffins, fruit, yogurt and Capri Suns. Some kids enjoyed the food so much that they returned for seconds.
Class President AJ Janwatin gave opening announcements and then handed the microphone over to Hook, who gave specific announcements about graduation and tickets to the graduation ceremony.
“You can only invite up to four people up to date, but I will let you know if the number increases,” Hook said.
Graduation is coming up in less than four months.
“Graduation is voluntary,” Hook reminded the students.
Nisker then spoke about the PTSA-sponsored All-Night Grad Party.
“We have added new events such as rock climbing and walking on water,” Nisker said.
Students had a positive reaction to this announcement.
“Prices will be $35 before the 28th of February, so get your tickets ASAP,” Nisker added.
At the end of the speech, many seniors clapped and cheered in anticipation of graduation and the celebration to follow.
Towards the end of the breakfast, a senior slide show prepared by senior James Bui was played for the students. Pictures included those taken at football games and other phtotos students submitted of both themselves and their friends. Most seniors laughed and smiled while reminiscing about the good times.
“My favorite part of the breakfast was seeing my fellow classmates enjoying breakfast together. We should do this sometime soon again,” senior Ahmad Haj Assaad said.