Late buses began on September 28. They will leave AHS at 4:15 p.m. every Wednesday. They are available for all students who need any help from a teacher after school or need to stay after for a club.
Students will need a pass from their teacher in order to board the late bus. The late bus numbers are different than the regular bus numbers, so students will have to look at an after school bus list and adjust accordingly.
The late buses come with both benefits and drawbacks.
A benefit, as stated before, is that students can receive one-on-one help from any teacher if they are having trouble understanding anything. This also gives students the opportunity to participate in a sport or club.
“I don’t always understand the information gives in a classroom full of 30 students, but if he or she is giving a one on one lecture, it helps me,” senior Kardo Omberll said.
A drawback to the buses is that they could get too full if large numbers of students stay after school. Since many students will take advantage of this opportunity, the buses can get very packed.
“I’ve witnessed [the school] calling more than one bus to go to the same place because it is a common neighborhood where many people live,” senior John Pham said.
By Sarthak Barta
Staff Writer